
61 Articles

Is Mead Healthier Than Wine?

Is Mead Healthier Than Wine?

Mead is considered the world’s oldest drink and its production dates back to 7,000 B.C. in Northern China way older than beer and wine when it was first created. Known in ancient times as the “Drink of the Gods”, it is the drink of kings and royalty. Present day processes in the production of the honey wine (or honey mead) is still the same as it was thousands of years ago. There are numerous reasons why you should give mead a try.

What is mead?

Just as wine comes from grapes, and beer from grains, mead is produced by fermenting honey with water. Fermentation is achieved by blending honey with water to create a yeast-friendly environment. When yeast is added, it consumes the sugars thereby changing the honey and water combination into an alcoholic drink. 

Mead is also known to be full of health benefits and is also known to boost sexual desire and fertility. The term “honeymoon” is derived from mead as ancient brides and grooms were made to drink mead for a whole month.

There are many variations of mead- still, carbonated, sparkling, sweet, semi-dry, or dry. Other ingredients such as fruits, herbs and spices can be added to the mix.  Mead also varies according to alcohol content and taste. It can taste like beer, wine, or ginger ale. Its alcohol content can range from 3 percent to 20 percent alcohol.

Is Mead Healthier Than Wine?

Ancient history has seen mead used medicinally and myth has it that it gives man immortality and magical powers. It is considered healthier than wine or beer because of its main component honey which makes it easier for the body to process and you get some of the nutritional benefits of honey as well. It also has natural and antibacterial properties.

While honey wine or mead can be beneficial in a lot of ways, let’s just be mindful of the amount of sugar and calorie per ounce of mead. Per two ounces of mead can have as high or more than 300 calories and 40 grams of carbohydrates. In comparison, two ounces of red wine has 48 calories and only 1.48 of carbohydrates. 

Buy Mead Online

Where can you buy  good mead in Australia?

The resurgence in the popularity of honey wine or honey mead can be found around the world, mostly in the United States, Europe, and Australia. 

In Australia, one of the well-known honey wine makers is Honey Wines Australia. You can buy different honey mead flavours online by visiting their  website here.

Want to have a taste of the different brew Honey Wines Australia has in store for you? You might ask, “where can I buy mead in Australia?”

Some of the best and delicious-tasting honey wine or mead can be found at Honey Wines Australia. Honey Wines Australia are not only beekeepers but also mead makers. Our meadery is based in the Hunter Region of NSW with shipping to your door anywhere in Australia. We are also wholesalers selling direct to the public online. Shop now!

Honey Wines Australia has been brewing mead for over 10 years now and beekeeping for over 5 years. The honey used is raw untreated honey produced in the Hunter Region of NSW.

Signs You Require a Bathroom Renovation

Periodically you could not feel that you require your bathroom renovation, despite the fact that most of the signs are pointing into the very fact which you do. In case These signals are accurate for youpersonally, Maybe a remodel is exactly what you’ll need:


If you head in your bathroom each day and only repainting, this really is an excellent indication that the renovation can be exactly what you require. There might be only 1 thing, such as this nasty older tub, which causes you to dislike how the space looks and also the fantastic thing about your bathroom renovations Sydney can change just as much or as long as you would like.


For those who have begun to see your bathroom is now dangerous or is only in poor state in a couple of locations, a renovation might be imperative to protecting your own family members. Maybe you have seen a mould problem, or loose floor tiles? Gets got the grout began to curl up from between your tiles? Your bathroom renovation doesn’t just get the room look more desirable , it could be critical for making it a secure location. As it’s possible to opt to revive the component of the room you want to, then you could even realize by spending just a bit more you will find yourself a completely different bathroom.


For those who have recently made a decision to sell up and move, your bathroom renovation can offer your house only the excess advantage it should maximize its general price. That really is merely something which ought to be contemplated if your present bathroom is defectively equipped, obsolete, or was previously just half renovated.

Sydney Bathroom Renovators

Out Dated

When you’ve had the very same bathroom as the 70’s or 80’s, then it is likely that it’s beginning to look pretty obsolete and also a bathroom renovation could possibly find a way to provide the whole room a breath of fresh life. If there’s not anything inappropriate with the fittings or perhaps the functionality of this room it self, your bathroom renovation to upgrade the whole room may still be viewed. Even only a partial renovation can give the distance a fresher appearance that people are certain to discuss.

If your young ones are growing up, or there exists a child on the road, you maybe just starting to wonder exactly what you are going to take into account the restroom position at residence. This might be enough opportunity to revive your current bathroom, or even to include a completely new one. Families with kids could find they desire a larger bathtub to generate bath time more pleasurable, whilst families with adolescents might want to reestablish the shower.

All these are merely a few of the very common indications you need your bathroom renovation, however there are more. Bear in mind, if you’re wondering if you want your bathroom renovation or perhaps not, then your probably do.

How Neocode Helps Healthcare Companies

How Neocode Helps Healthcare Companies

Do you need custom business software?

Getting a custom-built software is awesome. Neocode can give you the custom software design that you need for your software so you can get what you want. There are tons of good things that you can get out of this firm. 

We are going to let you know what Neocode can do for you so you can take your health care firm to a new level. Proving your firm with excellent health care software is what Neocode is all about, and this will allow you to have the peace of mind that you want. 


Neocode can help you personalize your health care service. Taking your healthcare service to the next level is easy with Neocode. The software that they are going to develop for you will fit seamlessly within your company. Neocode will work extra high to give you what you need. Getting ready-made high-quality software is easy with Neocode too.  


Since your business will generate new requirements over time, Neocode will be there for you so you can scale your business right away. Neocode will work hard to develop the off-the-shelf software that you need to get today so you can get results. Changes that come in the future will be met properly with our software packages, and you will love it. 


Neocode can also integrate the different software programs that your organization has so you can truly take the business to a new level as soon as possible too. Neocode will allow you to avoid the hassle of maintaining and keeping several programs, and they will do this quickly and easily.  

Cost Effectiveness 

Neocode will do the job pretty well from the beginning to the end so you can get the peace of mind that you want to get too. You will have to shell out good money down the line, but it will be dough well spent. Therefore, you should not worry about harnessing the power of custom software development these days. 

Maintenance and Support 

Neocode can give you the efficient, reliable customer support that you need to get at all times. This will allow you to truly get the huge ROI that you want to get from these types of things. Neocode will allow you to get access to an excellent customer support team that will go above and beyond to give you what you need.  

We have talked a little about what Neocode can do for you so you can get what you need. Neocode has been around for quite a while and you will truly get tons of good things out of it. Getting a high degree of personalization for health care software is something Neocode can do very well. 

Do you need to scale your software? If so, Neocode is for you because they can do this quickly and easily at all times. In fact, they will fall over backward so you can get what you want. Yes, they will go the extra mile because they understand that your satisfaction is what matters in the business of custom software development.

Phones in Hospitals – the Silent Nurses

Phones in Hospitals – the Silent Nurses

How your iPhone can Help You Recover 

Keeping your mobile phone close by is important to everyone but becomes absolutely vital when you are sick. Having your phone fix from your hospital bed is about more than just keeping up to date with the latest social media post or sending tweets from your hospital bed. A smartphone can help you get through the day and keeping your mind active is key to helping your body recover.    

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body 

We have all heard this famous phrase but it’s not until someone is struck down by inactivity and boredom while waiting around in a hospital that they realize just how important the power of positive thinking can be. But it is hard to stay positive when you spend all day staring at a slowly ticking clock. Indeed, more and more research indicates that mental health is very closely linked to physical health. Suddenly becoming inactive, due to an illness or accident, and dramatically reducing your social interactions can have a negative impact on a person’s mental health, contributing to depression and even anxiety if left untreated.

Play Games to Survive 

One of the best ways to combat the boredom that can lead to depression is to keep your mind active, easier said than done when trapped in a hospital bed. Your phone can help! As well as scrolling through the social media apps to keep in touch with the outside world, listening to music or even watching your favorite TV program, your phone gives you access to thousands of games that can help you survive. From active running or first-person shooter games to complicated crosswords and mathematical puzzles, playing games on your phone can do far more than just pass the time. Giving the brain something to concentrate on can stimulate neurons and release endorphins that can be beneficial to overall health as well as stimulating feelings of happiness. Small victories, by completing levels and quizzes, can boost self-esteem, increasing further endorphins. In addition, playing games improves coordination and memory as well as reducing harmful stress levels. Sometimes, a simple game can provide the distraction needed to relieve anxieties and make patients feel better.    

Keep Your Phone in Good Health 

As well as keeping your phone charged, you need to keep on top of repairs. Unsurprisingly, there are few places in hospitals that can fix your phone screen, unless you live in Sydney. A new company, can fix phone screens and offer other iPhone fix Sydney solutions. Make them your first choice for phone repairs Sydney.    

Combat Loneliness

One of the main concerns of patients stuck in hospitals is worrying about loved ones or business concerns in the outside world. While you might have been instructed to rest and think about nothing by well-meaning doctors, for some this can cause greater stress. A mobile phone can help you keep in touch with your friends and family so that you can rest assured your loved ones are safe. For example, there is nothing worse than loneliness while sitting in a hospital bed. For some, family and friends are far away from the hospital itself and visiting regularly is simply not possible. Using the hospital landline can be expensive and cumbersome, as you need to call the attention of nursing staff who are just too busy trying to keep everyone alive. With your own phone nearby, you have the freedom and flexibility to send a text or chat to someone special which can give you the emotional boost you need to get you through the next stage of your recovery.

Carousel storage solutions for hospitals, pharmacies and laboratories

Carousel storage solutions for hospitals, pharmacies and laboratories

Most hospitals, nursing homes, pharmacies and laboratories in Australia use a lot of raw material which has to be stored in their premises and retrieved whenever it is being used. These organizations are usually located in cities and towns, where the real estate rates are high. Hence an effort is made to minimize the amount of space required for storage of the various materials and equipment when they are not in use. With advances in technology, carousel storage solutions are the most effective way for businesses to minimize the floor space required for storing the various items which are required.


The vertical shelving system is similar to the standard storage system since there are many racks which are being used to store the various items and tools. However, the carousel Australia will be largely automated, and the system will automatically retrieve the item required from the place where it is stored, and bring to the user level, so that it can be easily removed. Items will also be stored automatically, the user will not have to climb shelves using a ladder. Since the storage and retrieval is automated, the height of the shelving system is usually more than the standard storage racks.

Hospitals and nursing homes

Hospitals and nursing homes use a large variety of materials, ranging from medicines for patients, to cleaning supplies. Hence it is important for them to ensure that all these items are stored safely without being contaminated, and can be retrieved easily. Using an automated carousel, the hospital can store all the equipment and supplies which are not being used in less floor space. Then based on the requirement of the patients, nurses, doctors and other staff, the material can be retrieved whenever required quickly and efficiently. The carousel system will greatly increase the storage capacity of a hospital


Like other retailers, pharmacies will get a better discount, if they purchase their supplies in bulk. However storing the material will take up a lot of space, which the pharmacy will not usually have if it is located in a prime area of a large city in Australia. Hence by using an automated carousel for storage, the pharmacy can greatly enhance the storage capacity of the business without increasing the floor space or rentals. This can help increase the profit margin of the business since the selling price of most of the products are fixed and profit depends on the price at which the product has been purchased.

Pharmacies Storage

Diagnostic and other laboratories.

Like hospitals, the diagnostic and other laboratories are also using a lot of raw material like reagents, slides, test tubes, holders. When tests are being conducted these materials are retrieved. The raw materials used in the laboratories are a major expense for the business, and reducing the raw material cost can help to increase the profit margin of the business. Most laboratories purchase less material since they do not have sufficient storage for their premises. Now they can use the carousel Austrlia to increase the storage available, and purchase more raw material and also store other items safely in their business premises.

Do corporate wellness programs reduce workplace stress?

Do corporate wellness programs reduce workplace stress?

Companies that commit their employees to work throughout without a wellness program have experienced unproductivity since the employees do not have something to freshen up their mind. They work with stress and no time for creativity and hence interfering with their work quality and productivity.

Wellness programs are quite essential at the workplace since they give the employees the chance to divert from the busy schedules while working out their bodies.

Wellness program helps workers to not only stay healthy but also cool down their minds. Additionally, they move away from activities that can make them overweight, especially those working in offices, and there is little movement. Physical activities help to maintain the health and Wellness of all those that participate.

In order to understand the significance of the wellness program as far as reducing workplace stress is concerned, it is vital to look at FitLyfe corporation wellness program and evaluate its impact. 

FitLyfe has indeed invested in maintaining the health and fitness of the employees through running a wellness program, which involves fit challenge, weight management, nutrition, mental health, substance abuse, and others.

Through the program, the workers are able to meet and share different thoughts as they work out their bodies as well as observing several issues that accompany the program.

The good thing with the program is that it does biometric screening and therefore, able to record the health state of employees. With such a mechanism, it becomes easier to identify issues that could affect the mental state.

The wellness program at the company has been effective, and it helps the workers to be free from stress and become heath as well as fitness due to the incorporation of mental health as well as health coaching.

These program has been effective in the firm, and many people improved in terms of health and fitness.

Health coaching at Fitlyfe has also helped to identify risk factors for diseases that can be caused by stress if the right action is not taken.

The company encourages the workers to participate in the programs through incentives and rewards since it has identified its benefits especially when it comes to productivity and keep the workers from health complication that are mostly caused by stress

The workers through fitness activities get the opportunity to rest their minds and reduce too much thinking about their work.

Corporate wellness programs have been given priority in the firm, and it goes beyond physical exercises. The workers are provided with recommended nutrition with regard to their health status

Additionally, the program also looks at the health risks facing the workers, and therefore, those with mental issues are informed about their condition and actions to take in order to avoid the development of stress

Moreover, those using drugs to fight against the issues they go through while working get the opportunity to access counsel on how to get out of drug abuse as well as overcome issues amicably. 

Organizations should, therefore, incorporate wellness programs since they are beneficial and will greatly help in motivating the workers since they will not only help in keeping fit and healthy but also reduce stresses that come along while workers are handling their daily responsibilities.

Health Effect of Teeth Whitening

Health Effect of Teeth Whitening

How can teeth whitening affect the health of your teeth?

White teeth make a smile appealing. However, most people have a problem of maintaining the white color of teeth. There are people who can help individuals experiencing such difficulties. These individuals in best teeth whitening Sydney are professionals and they can offer home care and they can make the whitening tools available anytime. When the need arise consider the teeth whitening Sydney, services.

The techniques involved in oral maintenance are effective and safe at the same time. Patients are assured of safety when they use the techniques. These techniques are important since they make the projections look bright and white. However, patients have options to choose from since they are a lot of them. Generally, there are techniques that will use one hour while others will consume more.

Professional monitored bleaching will work very fast, and also defend sensitive gums as well as tooth-root surface better, than the use of over- the counter process. Taking an oral exam before the process starts is considered to be important. This helps in identifying the cause of the discoloration. It is also important to consider the use of qualified professionals when it comes to this kind of process. Find well-known personnel that is qualified and licensed to carry out such procedures.

Office blanching offers the best outcome with the most powerful solutions available. The surface of the mouth is protected with a barrier to guarantee your safety. A special device known as the retractor ensure that the cheeks and lips hold up against your teeth as the professional apply hydrogen peroxide gel. The gel is then let to stay for about one hour, and then removed. The results come out immediately.

Home appliance is also important when it comes to the best teeth whitening Sydney. However, it is considered to be expensive and the results take a long time before starting to appear. Mold is usually taken and two plastic trays are made for the mouth. One is to be placed on the top of the mouth while the other is placed down the mouth. They are then filled with a whitening gel that is later positioned on the teeth.

There are so many ways a person can use to ensure the oral structures stay white. Although, the methods to apply depends on patients receiving the treatment. It is recommended for patients to continue with the brushing routine as he or she keeps the schedule of a doctor. Foods together with beverages such as coffee, red wine, and tea can stain the oral structures.

The outcome of a bright smile is taken as an invitation, good health, as well as happiness. This has spread greatly too many countries where everyone wants to have that smile and great white mouth projections. This is a challenge that each individual needs to play a part at ensuring that the awareness spreads.

Oral health is affordable to most people and is effective as well. The techniques ensure the smiles are appealing. Studies conducted affirms and assure people that the products used in oral health are not only safe but reliable for use. People can as well consider other options to have their teeth brightened.