Most hospitals, nursing homes, pharmacies and laboratories in Australia use a lot of raw material which has to be stored in their premises and retrieved whenever it is being used. These organizations are usually located in cities and towns, where the real estate rates are high. Hence an effort is made to minimize the amount of space required for storage of the various materials and equipment when they are not in use. With advances in technology, carousel storage solutions are the most effective way for businesses to minimize the floor space required for storing the various items which are required.
The vertical shelving system is similar to the standard storage system since there are many racks which are being used to store the various items and tools. However, the carousel Australia will be largely automated, and the system will automatically retrieve the item required from the place where it is stored, and bring to the user level, so that it can be easily removed. Items will also be stored automatically, the user will not have to climb shelves using a ladder. Since the storage and retrieval is automated, the height of the shelving system is usually more than the standard storage racks.
Hospitals and nursing homes
Hospitals and nursing homes use a large variety of materials, ranging from medicines for patients, to cleaning supplies. Hence it is important for them to ensure that all these items are stored safely without being contaminated, and can be retrieved easily. Using an automated carousel, the hospital can store all the equipment and supplies which are not being used in less floor space. Then based on the requirement of the patients, nurses, doctors and other staff, the material can be retrieved whenever required quickly and efficiently. The carousel system will greatly increase the storage capacity of a hospital
Like other retailers, pharmacies will get a better discount, if they purchase their supplies in bulk. However storing the material will take up a lot of space, which the pharmacy will not usually have if it is located in a prime area of a large city in Australia. Hence by using an automated carousel for storage, the pharmacy can greatly enhance the storage capacity of the business without increasing the floor space or rentals. This can help increase the profit margin of the business since the selling price of most of the products are fixed and profit depends on the price at which the product has been purchased.

Diagnostic and other laboratories.
Like hospitals, the diagnostic and other laboratories are also using a lot of raw material like reagents, slides, test tubes, holders. When tests are being conducted these materials are retrieved. The raw materials used in the laboratories are a major expense for the business, and reducing the raw material cost can help to increase the profit margin of the business. Most laboratories purchase less material since they do not have sufficient storage for their premises. Now they can use the carousel Austrlia to increase the storage available, and purchase more raw material and also store other items safely in their business premises.