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The Mental Health Benefits of Decorating for Christmas

The Mental Health Benefits of Decorating for Christmas

The holiday season can be a time of joy and celebration, but it can also be a source of stress and anxiety for many people. Between the pressure to buy gifts, attend social events, and meet expectations, it’s no wonder the holidays can take a toll on our mental health. However, decorating for Christmas can positively affect our mental well-being. In this article, we’ll explore how decorating for the holidays can benefit our mental health and offer tips for making the process stress-free.

The Power of Aesthetics

Our physical surroundings can greatly impact our mood and overall well-being. Studies have shown that visually pleasing environments can reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and even boost productivity. Decorating for Christmas is a great way to create a festive and comforting atmosphere in your home or workplace. The warm glow of twinkling lights, the scent of pine, and the sight of colorful ornaments can all contribute to a sense of cheer and joy.

But the benefits of holiday decorating go beyond aesthetics. According to psychologists, the act of creating and beautifying our surroundings can also have a positive impact on our mental health. Decorating allows us to express our creativity and personal style, and planning and executing a decorating scheme can be therapeutic. It gives us a sense of accomplishment and pride in our space, which can boost our self-esteem and improve our overall well-being.

The Social Aspect of Decorating

Decorating for Christmas can also be a social activity, whether with friends, family, or colleagues. Sharing the decorating process can foster a sense of community and connection and be a fun and enjoyable way to spend time with loved ones. In addition, decorating can create shared traditions and memories that bring people closer together. For example, suppose you and your family have a tradition of decorating the tree on a certain day every year. In that case, that activity can become a special and meaningful part of your holiday celebrations.

The Therapeutic Value of Creativity

Engaging in creative activities has been shown to have several mental health benefits. Creativity can help to reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, and boost self-esteem. Decorating for Christmas allows us to tap into our creativity and create unique and personal decorating ideas. Whether you prefer a traditional, minimalist, or eclectic style, decorating allows you to express yourself and put your spin on the holidays.

Tips for Stress-Free Holiday Decorating

If decorating for the holidays fills you with dread, it’s important to remember that the goal is to create a festive and enjoyable atmosphere, not perfection. Here are some tips for keeping the process stress-free:

Start small: Don’t feel like you have to go all out with your decorations. Simple touches, such as a wreath on the door or a few strands of lights, can create a festive atmosphere.

Personalize your decorations: Instead of following trends or trying to recreate someone else’s vision of the perfect holiday home, focus on what speaks to you personally. Use decorations that have special meaning or sentimental value, and don’t be afraid to mix and match different styles.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help: If decorating feels overwhelming, enlist the help of friends or family. Not only will it make the process more enjoyable, but it will also provide an opportunity for social connection.

Incorporate mindfulness into your decorating: Instead of rushing through the process or getting caught up in perfectionism, try to be present and mindful while decorating. Take the time to appreciate the sights, sounds, and smells of the holiday season. Consider incorporating some relaxing activities, such as listening to holiday music or sipping on a warm drink, into your decorating routine.

Set boundaries: It’s okay to say no to decorating if it doesn’t bring you joy or if it’s causing too much stress. Limiting how much time and energy you spend on decorating is also okay. Remember that the holidays are about celebrating and enjoying time with loved ones, not perfection.


Decorating for Christmas can have several mental health benefits, from reducing stress and improving mood to fostering a sense of community and creativity. While it’s important to find a balance and not let decorating become a source of stress, incorporating it into your holiday celebrations can be a fun and enjoyable way to improve your mental well-being. So this holiday season, consider giving yourself the gift of some festive decorating and see how it can positively impact your mental health.

How Your Teeth Can Affect Your Overall Health

How Your Teeth Can Affect Your Overall Health

Your teeth are an important part of your overall health. They’re not just a piece of your appearance, but they also play a role in how well you can eat, how much food is left in your stomach after a meal, and how well you digest what you eat. In fact, poor oral health can affect everything from heartburn to dementia. So if you want to take care of yourself and live long enough to see all those grandchildren born into the world (and maybe even some great-grandchildren), here are some things about your oral health that will affect your life forever:

Your teeth are the first line of defense against cavities and tooth decay, but they’re also critical to your overall health. A healthy mouth will ensure that you have healthy gums, which in turn means that you won’t have any issues with gum disease or periodontal disease (where the gums attach to the teeth). It’s important to remember that there are many ways in which poor oral hygiene can affect your overall health:

Your Teeth Play An Important Part In Your Appearance

Your teeth play an important part in your appearance. Your smile is the first thing people see when they meet you, and it says a lot about how well you take care of yourself.

The way your teeth look can also tell other people whether or not you are healthy—and what type of person they might want to meet! Teeth can be either a sign of good health (clean, white) or bad health (yellowed). Teeth that are too yellow could mean that something is wrong with them; if this is the case, then most likely there is some type of underlying problem causing those changes in coloration. 

A brownish tinting around the gums often indicates diabetes; however, if this happens without being accompanied by other symptoms such as thirstiness or frequent urination then it doesn’t necessarily mean anything serious has occurred but rather just means regular checkups should be performed regularly so as not miss any potential complications arising from such issues happening later down the road.”

Your Oral Health Can Affect Your Heart.

It’s no secret that bad breath, gum disease, and bleeding gums are all linked to heart disease. But the link between these conditions and heart disease is not fully understood. While doctors have found a connection between gum infection and inflammation in the arteries of those who suffer from coronary artery disease (CAD), there is still debate about whether or not this link actually causes heart attacks and strokes — or if it simply reflects them happening later on down the line after years of poor dental care has already taken its toll on your body. The more serious your gingivitis or periodontal disease, the greater risk you face for developing the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Gum Disease May Be Linked To Diabetes

Gum disease is one of the most common chronic diseases in the United States, causing millions of dollars in costs each year. And it may be linked to diabetes—so much so that one study found that people with diabetes were more likely than non-diabetic individuals to have gum disease.

The connection between gum disease and diabetes isn’t entirely clear yet, but there are a few theories as to why this might be so:

  • While both conditions can cause inflammation in the body (which can lead to other health problems), they also share similar risk factors such as age at the time of diagnosis and lifestyle habits like smoking or poor nutrition.
  • One theory suggests that high levels of bacteria on teeth could trigger an immune response within your body—this would make you more susceptible to developing diabetes later down the line if you already had it when starting treatment for gingivitis

There Are Links Between Pregnancy Issues And Gum Disease.

There are links between pregnancy issues and gum disease. The American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) says that pregnant women with gum disease are more likely to have premature, low-birth-weight babies. The AAP also says that treating gum disease can help reduce the risk of preterm labor.

Gum disease is an infection of the gums that can damage the teeth. Pregnant women with gum disease are more likely to have premature, low-birth-weight babies, according to the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP).

The AAP recommends that pregnant women see a dentist or periodontist if they have any concerns about their oral health. Treating gum disease can help reduce the risk of preterm labor, so it’s important to get treatment as soon as possible.

Poor Oral Health Can Cause Dementia

Dementia is a general term for brain diseases that cause problems with memory, thinking, and behaviour. It’s not normal to have dementia at any age, but it can be caused by many different things. You might have slow-growing dementia if you don’t experience changes in your ability to think clearly until later in life. Your doctor will test you or encourage you to get tested if there are reasons to suspect that you might be developing this condition before it becomes critical (for example, if you’ve already experienced some symptoms or had them before).

Dementia isn’t just an old person’s problem; it affects people of all ages, genders, and races (and even species!). In fact, there are more than 35 million people living with Alzheimer’s disease worldwide—more than those who suffer from cancer or heart disease combined!

Taking Care Of Your Oral Health Is Essential For Taking Care Of Yourself Generally.

It’s no secret that taking care of your oral health is essential for taking care of yourself generally. Good oral hygiene habits can help prevent gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath. They can also help you keep your teeth for a lifetime.

But did you know that taking care of your teeth can also help prevent other health problems? Studies have shown that people with gum disease are more likely to develop heart disease, stroke, and other serious illnesses. That’s why it’s so important to brush and floss regularly and see your dentist for routine checkups and cleanings.

Whitening your teeth is another important part of taking care of your oral health. While there are many over-the-counter whitening products available, it’s best to talk to your dentist before using any of them.

6 Tips for Preparing for a Healthy Retirement

6 Tips for Preparing for a Healthy Retirement

Preparing for a healthy retirement is something you should work on most of your adult life. It’s not something you should only think of in your 40s or 50s. The younger you start preparing, the better the outcome will be. You can then enjoy your golden years to the fullest. 

Here are some tips to help you prepare for a healthy and happy retirement:

1. Make sure you’re financially prepared.

Before planning the things you want to do and enjoy in your retirement years, be sure to get your finances sorted. Learn how much you should save and invest to be financially prepared. If you’ve already set up an SMSF, that’s a good first step. Keep in mind that SMSF and retirement planning should go hand in hand to ensure you get the most out of your fund when the time comes. Plan it out with the help of a financial advisor or an SMSF professional.

2. Develop an active lifestyle.

Physical fitness is one of the keys to staying healthy and happy in your retirement. It’s difficult to enjoy travelling and other activities you plan to do in retirement when you’re not in shape. So as early as now, start developing an active lifestyle. You don’t have to join a marathon right away—taking a walk instead of driving to the grocery store can be a good start. Once you’ve developed the habit, you can take on other low-impact sports like golf or tennis. Having a home gym is also a good way to start staying in shape, especially amid a pandemic.

3. Keep up with your doctor’s appointments.

Your physical and mental health must remain a top priority in retirement. So be sure to check in with your primary care physician, dentist and even a counsellor to ensure your physical health, dental health and overall wellness are being taken care of. Keeping your health in check is a must—whether you’re 20 or only five years away from retirement.

Plus, as you age, your physical and mental needs will likely change. You won’t know the medications or lifestyle changes you have to take unless you seek medical advice regularly.

4. Try to keep learning.

learning something new is a huge help when preparing for a healthy retirement

Preparing for a healthy retirement includes planning what you’ll do during your golden years. You can choose to travel and see the places you’ve always wanted to see. Pursuing new hobbies and aspects of life during retirement can also be a great way to keep yourself busy. If that interests you, you may have to keep your mind open to learning. While you’re still in your 30s or 40s, you can start taking up a new hobby, like gardening or photography. And once you retired, you can dedicate your days to enjoying that hobby to the fullest. So, as early as now, go and embrace the idea of learning something new and fun.

5. Get the habit of making a routine.

When you retire from work, it will feel like every day is the weekend. You can rest a lot for the first few weeks or months, but going through life without something to look forward to can impact your physical and mental health. That’s why you must get the habit of making a routine as early as now. You don’t have to make elaborate plans every week. But you can start dedicating a few hours hanging out with your friends or joining a club with weekly meetings. That way, you can instil the habit of making a routine in your mind. And when you retire, it will be easy for you to fill your days with a mix of rest and routines.

6. Consider where you will live.

If you have specific plans on what to do during your golden years, you may also have to think about where you’ll settle or enjoy your retirement. Perhaps, you want to eventually move to a coastal community, so you can be closer to a relaxing beach environment. Or maybe, you want to downsize your home as you plan to spend most of your 60s travelling the globe. Considering where you’ll live—no matter where it is—will help you prepare better for it. Your target home during your retirement years should be included in your financial plan as early as possible. You don’t want to start saving up for your dream beach home only at 55.

Final thoughts on preparing for a healthy retirement

There are multiple ways to enjoy your retirement years to the fullest extent. But you have to make great efforts to make that happen. So even if you’re still in your 30s or 40s, keep in mind that developing healthy habits, being on top of your financial situation and considering your lifestyle and other goals are keys to preparing for a healthy retirement. 

The Complete Guide to Sleep Apnea and How it Can Affect Your Health

The Complete Guide to Sleep Apnea and How it Can Affect Your Health

The Effects of Sleep on Your Attention Span & Memory

Sleep is a necessary part of our daily lives. It helps us to feel rested and rejuvenated. Sleep is also important because it helps to maintain a healthy immune system, regulates body temperature, and controls appetite. The effects of sleep on your attention span and memory are significant. Sleep deprivation leads to lower attention span and impaired memory, which can make it difficult for someone to learn new skills or remember things that they learned the day before.

The effects of sleep on your attention span and memory are significant. In fact, the effects are so significant that they can affect your mood, productivity, and general well-being. The National Sleep Foundation reports that people who sleep only six hours per night or less are three times more likely to be obese than those who get eight hours of sleep per night.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a breathing disorder that affects the quality of sleep. It occurs when a person’s airway collapses or becomes blocked during sleep.

The most common cause of sleep apnea is excess weight, which puts pressure on the throat and upper airway. Other causes may involve narrowed airways, enlarged tonsils or adenoids, and other structural problems.

It can be difficult to identify sleep apnea as it does not always produce noticeable symptoms, such as snoring or waking up with a dry mouth. The severity of symptoms varies from person to person and can range from mild to life-threatening.

What Are The Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

A person with sleep apnea will often snore loudly and stop breathing, which can lead to excessive daytime sleepiness and an increased risk of accidents. The symptoms of sleep apnea include:

  • Snoring loudly
  • Excessive daytime sleepiness
  • Frequent pauses in breathing during the night
  • Feeling tired after waking up
  • Difficulty concentrating during the day
  • Restless sleep
  • Daytime headaches

How Does Sleep Apnea Affect Your Health?

The effects of sleep apnea on the brain and heart are well-known. However, sleep apnea also affects other parts of the body, such as the digestive system.

Sleep apnea causes a person to stop breathing for short periods of time during sleep. These pauses in breathing can cause blood oxygen levels to drop and increase stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. This can affect digestion by causing pain in the stomach area and constipation.

The effects of sleep apnea are not just physical. It can also lead to mood disorders like depression and anxiety. Sleep apnea has also been linked with heart disease, stroke, and memory impairment.

Treatments for Sleep Apnea

There are different treatments for sleep apnea, but they all have their own benefits and drawbacks. The most popular treatment for sleep apnea is the CPAP machine or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. This treatment requires the user to wear a mask over their mouth, nose, or both while they are sleeping so that air can flow freely into their airways without obstruction. 

Some people find this method uncomfortable and inconvenient, but it has been shown to be effective in treating sleep apnea in patients who use it consistently. Other treatments include surgery, which involves removing the tonsils or adenoids or using a dental device to hold the tongue away from the back of the throat.

Should You Take Loans For Your Health Care?

Should You Take Loans For Your Health Care?

There are countless methods for financial planning, but one of the most significant is always to focus on your health.

You might not be aware of it, but there is a link between your health and your finances. A healthy lifestyle can help you avoid financial calamity. If you can’t help yourself, take out a loan to ensure you have enough money to ensure your wellness.

While this may seem like a drastic step, it isn’t and that’s what makes it so appealing. It is important that you take care of yourself because the more capable and resilient you are, the more resources you have available for other priorities like education or family life. Your family will benefit as well from having their needs met when they aren’t stressed out with paying for their own medical expenses.

How Loans Can Help Your Health?

Often by the time you realize that your health problem is likely a result of a lack of money, your only option to get back on track is to buy medical services. However, if you’re living paycheck-to-paycheck with no life insurance or retirement plan to help cover your medical bills, then you’re going to have to borrow.

The easiest and most direct way to get out of debt is through a loan. The reason why many people are hesitant about using this option is that they aren’t sure how well they can afford the loan.

But the reality is that if you’re struggling financially and don’t have the resources to pay for any medical treatment, then it may be in your best interest to borrow money from a third party who can help with that.

There are plenty of types of loans available for individuals from all walks of life; from student loans for college students, personal loans to property loans for those who need additional cash flow each month.

According to the National Foundation for Advancement in Life and Learning (NFAL), “It is estimated that about 40 million Americans don’t have enough money to pay for health insurance, and many of those who do have insurance will spend too much on it.”

What are the negative consequences of loans for health care?

There are many people who have asked me about the negative consequences of taking a loan for their health care, and I thought it would only be fair to answer some of the common questions in a way that helps you make an informed decision.

Loan repayment can be a burden on your finances. It will also require you to miss out on regular payments as you struggle with excessive debt. If you make regular payments, then you may have no choice but to pay back all or part of your loan when it becomes due. 

A healthy lifestyle means avoiding drugs and alcohol and other unhealthy behaviors. When you are paying off your loan, this could prevent you from doing this as well as increase your chances of being taken advantage of by unscrupulous loan officers and/or payday lenders who may take advantage of vulnerable people like yourself.

You will probably be taking out some form of debt for health care, such as a medical or dental bill or prescription drugs. You could also be paying for non-urgent medical treatments that are not covered by insurance through public programs. Be aware that if you choose to do so, there is no guarantee that your medical bills won’t add up week after week or month after month, which could put pressure on your financial situation and lead to further financial distress and increased personal stress. This might include having a higher number of missed appointments at work or school because you are forced to miss workdays when covering personal expenses like rent and utility bills may take priority over these important priorities at work.

Understanding Health Medicine Under Law & Legal

Understanding Health Medicine Under Law & Legal

Health law is a branch of the law that governs health care. It is a complex subject that brings together many different areas of the law:

Health law provides protection and support to those seeking to improve their health or who suffer from chronic diseases. This includes patients, physicians, nurses, pharmacists, nursing aides, facilities managers and employees in other health-related occupations.

The legal aspects of health care are both domestic and international in scope. International jurisdiction applies to agreements about trade in services for medical treatment or research involving human subjects. Domestic jurisdiction covers hospital accreditation and licensure requirements for staff members as well as liability insurance for physicians practising without admitting privileges at hospitals.

The Importance of Medicines to Human Life

Without medicines, we will have a hard time living. We should always think about how important they are to our life.

Most of the time, doctors prescribe medicines to us when we are sick and since they know what we need the most, it’s important that we follow their prescription.

Healthcare Providers and the Role of Health Service Providers

Health service providers are responsible for ensuring that the quality of healthcare is high, while also keeping it affordable. A key aspect of this goal is the personalization of care, which can be achieved with data-driven insights.

In order to meet these standards, health service providers should use technologies like predictive analytics.

What are the Legal Implications for Healthcare Providers

Healthcare is a major aspect of our society. It is necessary for people to go to the doctor in their time of need. But, there are some issues that people are starting to find with healthcare. One of these issues is the legal implications that come along with the medicine and its prescriptions.

Pharmacists under the Law

Pharmacists and Pharmaceuticals under the Law

Pharmacists have a very important role in health care. They are responsible for taking care of patients by providing them with prescriptions and educating them about their drugs. Pharmacists also help with monitoring their patients, by checking their prescription history and making sure that they’re taking their medication as prescribed.

Under Healthcare Law & Regulations Pharmacists are responsible for:

– Ensuring patients understand the instructions accompanying prescription and non-prescription drugs

– Providing information about potential side effects of medications and how to avoid them

– Updating the patient’s profile in a database with their current prescriptions

– Disposing of expired or unwanted medication

Medical Practitioners under the Law

Doctors and Medical Practitioners under the Law

As the healthcare industry continues to modernize, there are challenges that doctors need to be aware of in order to stay within the law.

A doctor can be held liable for medical malpractice if he or she is found to have acted negligently. However, negligent actions don’t always lead to a finding of medical malpractice. A harmful result from an action that was taken with due care may not be considered a negligent act.

The law protects doctors and medical practitioners from being sued for malpractice. The exception is if they commit “gross negligence.”

Conclusion: Understanding Health Medicine Under Law & Legal

An understanding of health, medicine, and legal issues is key to helping students choose the best possible profession for themselves. This section will cover the basics of these three topics in order to provide a better understanding.

Legal Issues: A good example of a legal issue would be liability issues. For instance, if a surgeon or doctor has a medical malpractice case, they may be held liable for any damages that they caused to their patient with their actions, for more details visit our website or call us at 1-800-555-9038 for a Free Consultation.

Is Mead Healthier Than Wine?

Is Mead Healthier Than Wine?

Mead is considered the world’s oldest drink and its production dates back to 7,000 B.C. in Northern China way older than beer and wine when it was first created. Known in ancient times as the “Drink of the Gods”, it is the drink of kings and royalty. Present day processes in the production of the honey wine (or honey mead) is still the same as it was thousands of years ago. There are numerous reasons why you should give mead a try.

What is mead?

Just as wine comes from grapes, and beer from grains, mead is produced by fermenting honey with water. Fermentation is achieved by blending honey with water to create a yeast-friendly environment. When yeast is added, it consumes the sugars thereby changing the honey and water combination into an alcoholic drink. 

Mead is also known to be full of health benefits and is also known to boost sexual desire and fertility. The term “honeymoon” is derived from mead as ancient brides and grooms were made to drink mead for a whole month.

There are many variations of mead- still, carbonated, sparkling, sweet, semi-dry, or dry. Other ingredients such as fruits, herbs and spices can be added to the mix.  Mead also varies according to alcohol content and taste. It can taste like beer, wine, or ginger ale. Its alcohol content can range from 3 percent to 20 percent alcohol.

Is Mead Healthier Than Wine?

Ancient history has seen mead used medicinally and myth has it that it gives man immortality and magical powers. It is considered healthier than wine or beer because of its main component honey which makes it easier for the body to process and you get some of the nutritional benefits of honey as well. It also has natural and antibacterial properties.

While honey wine or mead can be beneficial in a lot of ways, let’s just be mindful of the amount of sugar and calorie per ounce of mead. Per two ounces of mead can have as high or more than 300 calories and 40 grams of carbohydrates. In comparison, two ounces of red wine has 48 calories and only 1.48 of carbohydrates. 

Buy Mead Online

Where can you buy  good mead in Australia?

The resurgence in the popularity of honey wine or honey mead can be found around the world, mostly in the United States, Europe, and Australia. 

In Australia, one of the well-known honey wine makers is Honey Wines Australia. You can buy different honey mead flavours online by visiting their  website here.

Want to have a taste of the different brew Honey Wines Australia has in store for you? You might ask, “where can I buy mead in Australia?”

Some of the best and delicious-tasting honey wine or mead can be found at Honey Wines Australia. Honey Wines Australia are not only beekeepers but also mead makers. Our meadery is based in the Hunter Region of NSW with shipping to your door anywhere in Australia. We are also wholesalers selling direct to the public online. Shop now!

Honey Wines Australia has been brewing mead for over 10 years now and beekeeping for over 5 years. The honey used is raw untreated honey produced in the Hunter Region of NSW.

Do corporate wellness programs reduce workplace stress?

Do corporate wellness programs reduce workplace stress?

Companies that commit their employees to work throughout without a wellness program have experienced unproductivity since the employees do not have something to freshen up their mind. They work with stress and no time for creativity and hence interfering with their work quality and productivity.

Wellness programs are quite essential at the workplace since they give the employees the chance to divert from the busy schedules while working out their bodies.

Wellness program helps workers to not only stay healthy but also cool down their minds. Additionally, they move away from activities that can make them overweight, especially those working in offices, and there is little movement. Physical activities help to maintain the health and Wellness of all those that participate.

In order to understand the significance of the wellness program as far as reducing workplace stress is concerned, it is vital to look at FitLyfe corporation wellness program and evaluate its impact. 

FitLyfe has indeed invested in maintaining the health and fitness of the employees through running a wellness program, which involves fit challenge, weight management, nutrition, mental health, substance abuse, and others.

Through the program, the workers are able to meet and share different thoughts as they work out their bodies as well as observing several issues that accompany the program.

The good thing with the program is that it does biometric screening and therefore, able to record the health state of employees. With such a mechanism, it becomes easier to identify issues that could affect the mental state.

The wellness program at the company has been effective, and it helps the workers to be free from stress and become heath as well as fitness due to the incorporation of mental health as well as health coaching.

These program has been effective in the firm, and many people improved in terms of health and fitness.

Health coaching at Fitlyfe has also helped to identify risk factors for diseases that can be caused by stress if the right action is not taken.

The company encourages the workers to participate in the programs through incentives and rewards since it has identified its benefits especially when it comes to productivity and keep the workers from health complication that are mostly caused by stress

The workers through fitness activities get the opportunity to rest their minds and reduce too much thinking about their work.

Corporate wellness programs have been given priority in the firm, and it goes beyond physical exercises. The workers are provided with recommended nutrition with regard to their health status

Additionally, the program also looks at the health risks facing the workers, and therefore, those with mental issues are informed about their condition and actions to take in order to avoid the development of stress

Moreover, those using drugs to fight against the issues they go through while working get the opportunity to access counsel on how to get out of drug abuse as well as overcome issues amicably. 

Organizations should, therefore, incorporate wellness programs since they are beneficial and will greatly help in motivating the workers since they will not only help in keeping fit and healthy but also reduce stresses that come along while workers are handling their daily responsibilities.